Ümit Yayla is the managing and name partner of his legal boutique founded in 2013 and he practices at the areas of capital markets law, corporate law, M&A and banking & finance. Besides, Mr. Yayla is a senior consultant to Çukur & Partners Law Firm at these practices.

Ümit Yayla is recognized as one of Turkey’s leading experts on capital markets and securities and he holds an outstanding reputation on equity and bond IPOs, legal advice to public companies, corporate governance, capital market transactions, corporate finance and mergers and acquisitions transactions as well as capital markets investigations and disputes.

Ümit Yayla served as a senior legal counsel at the Capital Market’s Board (CMB) between the years of 1994-2002. His assignments at CMB was including the establishment of the Central Registry Agency and Investors’ Protection Fund (Centre for Indemnification of Investors). Between 2002 and 2013, he held the position of Chief Legal advisor and Assistant General Director of the Central Registry Agency. During this period, he participated in a number of projects including the dematerialization of the capital market instruments, the dissolution of various intermediaries, the attachment of securities by electronic means (e-ATTACHMENT). He also led various nation-wide projects including “e-COMPANY” (notifications which companies are obliged to make as per regulations imposed on websites on the Internet) and “e-GEM: Electronic General Assembly”.

In addition to law profession admission, Ümit Yayla holds the licences of corporate governance, advanced capital market activities, derivatives, real estate appraiser in the frame of Turkish Capital Markets. Mr. Yayla is also licensed by International Finance Corporation (IFC) as a legitimate Corporate Secretary.

Mr. Yayla was invited to the drafting commissions and participated in the preparatory studies of Capital Market Law of Turkey and Turkish Commercial Code as well as several secondary legislations regarding dematerialized systems, general assemblies and board meetings of joint stock companies, loan–collateral regulations and the protection of investors.

Ümit Yayla has published many articles on the subjects of international capital markets regulations, the crimes of capital markets, corporate governance, securities law, protection of investors and loan-collateral relationships in the capital markets as well as a book called “the General Annual Meetings of Joint Stock Companies under the New Capital Market Law and Turkish Commercial Code”.

He lectured on “Electronic Transactions and Methods in Capital Markets” at the Bilgi University’s LL.M Program on information and technology Law.