The short-time working pay is a practice that provides income support to insured persons not exceeding three months in the workplace for the period in which they are unable to work  in cases where the weekly working hours in the workplace is temporarily reduced by at least a third or the activity in the workplace is completely or partially stopped for at least four weeks without looking for a continuousness condition because of general economic, sectoral or regional crisis or for cact of god.  paying short work allowance and general health insurance bonus services are provided within the scope of the short time working.  Short time working allowance is extended to 03.31.2021 by the up to date decision of the president of the republic of Turkey dated 18/02/2021 and numbered 3556.

  • The employer must apply to İŞKUR, because of general economic, sectoral or regional crisis or for cact of god reasons for significantly reducing or stopping term of employment in the workplace and it is necessary to determine that the workplace is affected by these situations by determining compliance audit by labor inspectors.

are required for short work to be applied in the workplace.

  • by determining compliance audit by labor inspectors Employer’s short work request. İşverenin kısa çalışma talebinin iş müfettişlerince yapılacak inceleme sonucu uygun bulunması (For shorttime working applications made by employers due to Covid-19; short-time working payment is made in line with the declaration of the employers, without waiting for the completion of the eligibility determination.) (Excessive and unwarranted payments made due to the employer’s providing incorrect information and documents are collected from the employer together with their legal interest.)
  • An employee who is subject to short work has provided working hours and  payment of bonus conditions at the time of the start of short time working. (Covid – 19 has paid a premium of 450 days in the last three years for short time working applications subject to the contract of service for the last 60 days)
  • information of the employee must be present in the list of participants in the short work as result of compliance audit  by labor inspectors.

are required to qualify for short time working pay.


Damla Davran, Attorney At Law