In the numbered of Law on Work Permits of Foreigners in 4817; foreigners who are not Turkish citizens which jobs can work in Turkey and work permits should take in order to work in this jobs  are regulated. However, foreigners, the work permit procedures are some jobs where they can work in Turkey is not obliged to follow. In these jobs, which are exempt from a work permit, work can be done within the framework of legal limits by obtaining an exemption certificate of work permit.

Foreigners who are covered by the exemption of work permit are as follows, provided that the provisions set out in the special laws are reserved and the foreigner and the employer fulfill their obligations arising from other laws:

  1. Those who are exempt from work permits by bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Turkey is a party.
  2. Foreigners whose permanent residence is abroad and who will temporarily come to Turkey for less than a month for scientific, cultural and artistic activities.
  3. Foreigners whose permanent residence is abroad and who will temporarily come to Turkey for less than four months for the purpose of sporting activities.
  4. Installation, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment imported to Turkey, providing training on its use or pick up the equipment or for the purpose of repairing equipments that have failed in Turkey; those who are in Turkey not more than three months from the date of entry to Turkey and those who prove this situation with the documents they will present.
  5. For the purpose of training on the use of goods and services exported from Turkey or imported to Turkey, those who are in Turkey, those who are in Turkey not more than three months from the date of entry to Turkey and those who prove this situation with the documents they will present.
  6. In order to work  in fairs and circuses, shows and similar tasks that will operate outside the borders of certified tourism enterprises, those who are in Turkey not more than six months from the date of entry to Turkey and those who prove this situation with the documents they will present.
  7. Including not to exceed two years and limited to the duration of education; foreigners coming to universities and public institutions and organizations in order to increase their knowledge by proving their status with the documents they will submit. 
  8. Foreigners who are reported by the relevant authorities to be able to provide important services and contributions to Turkey in socio-cultural and technological areas and educational issues for a period of not more than six months.
  9. Foreigners who will come during the program under the programs carried out by the Head of European Union Center for Education and Youth Programs (National Agency).
  10. Foreigners who will receive internship within the framework of international intern student programs, whose scope and duration are agreed by the Ministry, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Foreign Affairs and the Higher Education Board.
  11. Foreigners who are representatives of the tour operator who come to Turkey, provided that the term of office does not exceed eight months.
  12. During the contracts of foreign football players and other athletes and coaches whose claims are approved by Turkey Football Federation or the Youth and Sports General Directorate. 
  13. In accordance with the bilateral protocols made with the states according to the I / 10 Rule of the International Convention on the Standards of Training, Certification and Shift of ship’s crew; foreign ship’s crew working on ships operating outside the cabotage line and registered in the Turkish International Ship Registry who have received a “Certificate of Conformity” from the relevant administration.
  14. Foreign experts who projects  within the scope of European Union Financial Cooperation programs in Turkey.

Applications of work permit exemption are sent directly to the Ministry of Family Labor and Social Services in the country; abroad is a citizen or a foreigner legally in the country of the Republic of Turkey must be made to the embassy or consulate. Work permit exemption applications can also be made by the authorized intermediary institution. Work permit exemption is issued by the Ministry for the foreigners whose applications are evaluated positively and the foreigner can start working in this way.


Melis Bekar, Attorney At Law