The Decree on Support to be Provided in Specialized Free Zones

The Decree on Support to be Provided in Specialized Free Zones Has Come into Force

For the expenses regarding the activities in specialized free zones of users and zone operators to be covered by Support and Price Stabilization Fund, A Presidential Decree no.2635 titled “Decree on Support to be Provided in Specialized Free Zones” has come into force by publishing it in the official gazette on 09.06.2020 with the number of 31150 in order to increase the international competitive power of Foreign currency earning services and R&D (“Ar-Ge”), high tech or high added value services, and to increase exportation and revenues from services.

Users may benefit from the following supports for a maximum of 5 (five) years, separately for each support element:

  1. Monthly gross salary of up to 10 qualified Employees employed for their activities in this area, at the rate of %50 and an annual maximum of $15.000,00 per employee
  2. Rental expenditures on the land and buildings they rent in this area, at a rate of 50% and an annual maximum of $75.000,00
  • Not to exceed 50% of the fixed investment amount undertaken by zone operators during the investment phase, interest or dividend expenses of investment credits up to $10.000.000,00 with a maximum term of 10 years and a maximum term of 50% which they use at once.


Including excise taxes on expenses of documents submitted for support payment; the payments required to be made in Turkish Lira shall be paid in Turkish Lira, and the payments required to be made in foreign currencies shall be paid in Turkish Lira amounting the US Dollars when converted, based on the cross exchange rates and buying rate of exchange in accordance with the “Indicative Exchange Rate of Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey” on the date of the payment document. While translating the currencies that do not exist on this list to US Dollars, the rate of exchange in “Exchange Rate Table for Informative Purposes not subject to Trading by Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey” shall be used.

Users who will benefit from the support:

In this context, the criteria for the users to be supported will be determined by circular. The opinion of the Ministry of Industry and Technology shall be taken in the determination of criteria regarding R&D and high technology content for the determination of users.


As a result of the examination made by the Ministry, the user and the zone operator who are chosen to make payments and the amount of the payment to be made shall be notified to the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. Upon the receival of the notification sent by the Ministry, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey shall make the payment first.

Any support payments that have been received unduly or used for other than its purpose shall be taken back from these persons in accordance with the provisions of “Law on The Procedure for The Collection Of Public Receivables”.

* Criteria for users to be supported within the scope of this Decree, Information and documents to be requested in support applications, support application periods, determination of the Review Authority and other procedures and principles for implementation shall be determined with a circular.

Çukur&Partners Law Firm